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Location Guesser

Location Guesser is a geography-based game that challenges you to identify locations from three categories:

  • Populated Places:
       Cities, Towns, Hamlets, etc...

  • Terrain Features:
       Lakes, Mountains, Bays, etc...

  • Parks & Historic Sites
       National, Provincial & Regional, Parks
      and Historic Sites

Select your preferred Province/Territory and Category... or play all of Canada.

Get some high scores on the scoreboard for bragging rights!


V 3.05 - 2024-07-27

  • Additional Player Settings (units, avatars, pre-game countdown, change username)

  • Flag based avatars added for every country and most territories and  protectorates

  • Better round level progress feedback.

  • Corrected cross platform scores display issue

  • Minor formatting errors.

  • Corrected lost characters for many locations written with characters from various first nations and Inuktitut alphabets. 

V 3.04 - 2024-07-16

  • Corrected overlap issues with mobile display.

  • Added immediate single round distance feedback

  • Added Gui Themes and Map Themes including "High Contrast" mode

  • Round number included in location display

V 3.03 - 2024-07-07

  • Player levels & scoring system

  • Minor bugs

  • Further mobile optimization

  • Display true location on timeout

  • High Scores Explorer

  • Optimized for viewing on mobile devices

  • Increased database performance

  • ​Corrected loss of formatting bug

Future Improvements:
  • More Countries

  • Mobile App - for android

  • ​Instructional mode - for new players

  • Reverse Lookup mode - guess name based on location

  • Achievements, Player Levels, Seasons, Tournaments

  • Free Play/Practice Mode

  • Player Forum

  • Advanced Stats

  • More Categories

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